by Adam Malofsky | Sep 18, 2017 | Industrial, Innovation |
Those who excel at anything in their lives have a way of making that effort, that interest, that passion become all pervasive and yet not all consuming in their lives. It’s simply in their nature to always be thinking about that passion, somewhere, some way,...
by Adam Malofsky | Sep 13, 2017 | Innovation |
Context. The big picture. For most product developers, designers, and innovators in general the context concept seems often lost. People want to believe. They want the idea to do well. Problem is, companies are not in the business of ideas. They are in the business of...
by elemence | Nov 7, 2016 | Innovation, Private Equity, Technology |
I’m seeing the game and I’m disgusted. I’ve been watching this now for almost twenty years and I can’t believe this keeps happening. While consulting in general has a bad name and skyrocketing bills, innovation and startup consulting displays...
by elemence | Nov 7, 2016 | Consumer, Innovation, Press, Uncategorized |
We just don’t tell great stories anymore. We don’t teach how to. We don’t understand their importance. We tell our friends great stories, or at least we like to think that we do. We regale them of our college exploits, the crazed fun of youth, those first momentarily...
by elemence | Nov 7, 2016 | Innovation, Uncategorized |
Context. The big picture. For most product developers, designers, and innovators in general the context concept seems often lost. People want to believe. They want the idea to do well. Problem is, companies are not in the business of ideas. They are in the business of...
by elemence | May 2, 2016 | Innovation, Invention, Private Equity
Of the almost 100 startups worthwhile I’ve reviewed out of say 100,000 ideas heard in my lifetime, it’s amazing that still that over 95% of them are poor ideas ill conceived with no context for success or any coherent idea if anyone of substance actually cares....